The 2024-2025
PTA Executive Board: President - Jen Avery Executive Vice President - Renee Hafer Communications VP - Kristin Hainsworth Secretary - Susan Cressman Treasurer - Lee Sobocinski Next PTA Meeting Wednesday, April 16, 2025 6:30pm in the Mess Hall **ELECTIONS** Election Nominations will start in March, Election will be in April - see Elections page for more information. Check Us Out! We are on Facebook!
Want to know more about what is happening at DMA? Miss the last event? Click here to join our PTA group on Facebook, or search DMA Parent-Teacher Association and request to join!
Find us on the Band app @dmapta |
Commandant's Corner PTA update
No current updates. PTA Annual Membership
2024/2025 School Year Click on the link below to complete your membership form and sign up today! Volunteer Opportunities
DMA's PTA is a volunteer organization of parents, educators, cadets, and community members who work together to promote the education and well being of all children at home and in the community. The DMA PTA provides opportunities for parents to engage with the school and enhance their cadet's social and educational experience. These opportunities include:
New Cadet Picnic
Staff Appreciation Lunches |
Veterans Day Breakfast
Friday Lunch |
Thanksgiving Drive
Year End Celebration |
Hospitality at Events
Academic Awards |
Contact Us at:
112 Middleboro Rd
Wilmington, DE 19804
or click on the link below to send us an email!
112 Middleboro Rd
Wilmington, DE 19804
or click on the link below to send us an email!
DMA's PTA is a self-governing local unit of the Delaware PTA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. It is organized under its own set of bylaws and is comprised of an executive board, committee chairs, and general membership.